Social media followers can be fickle, so it's pretty normal for your follower count to fluctuate from day to day. Losing two in the morning but picking one up in the afternoon is nothing to write home about. But noticing your accounts losing a large number of followers is.
If you see a drastic dip in the number of people choosing to connect with your accounts, it may be the content you're providing that's driving them away. Below are five common Twitch Follower kaufen issues that make followers flee.
Nobody wants to follow a business that's constantly tooting its own horn, and using your social media to shamelessly promote yourself will lose followers in a hurry. Of course, your followers will happily celebrate your successes, but that's not all they want-they prefer tips, news, and information.
A good guideline is to post content that's geared toward your followers 80% of the time and content that's just about your business 20% of the time.
It's important to interact with other users on Facebook and Twitter, which definitely means sharing and retweeting relevant things that your peers or customers post. But if you never post any content of your own, your followers will start to think you have nothing to offer them but recycled photos and other people's opinions-that's no good.
People follow businesses on social media for information, updates, or because they like the brand personality. None of that comes through when you simply "share" what other people post. Try and strike a balance between original posts and shares that will convince followers you bring something special to the party.
No offense, but...
It's easy to fall into relying on jokes and memes. And if you can use these correctly to connect with your audience, more power to you. However, trying too hard to use humor or make topical statements can backfire in a big way.
It's important to let your company's personality come through in your social media, but if you're ever worried that a post might be offensive to your followers, err on the side of caution and post something different.
If you're on Twitter, you should absolutely be using hashtags. Jumping in on a trending topic or using tags to archive similar tweets makes a lot of sense, but if you don't know how to hashtag, it's going to be really obvious to your audience.
Hashtagging every other word or variations of the same phrase is not only seen as spammy and annoying, but it's also an indication that you don't understand how to use hashtags.
Don't @Mention It
Responding to your followers via social media is sort of the Twitch Follower kaufen idea. Connecting with clients is an amazing way to provide customer service and receive feedback. But if your responses are just "Thanks for commenting!" or "I'm sorry you didn't enjoy [x]" then these interactions have nowhere to go.
If you're going to interact with someone through social media, really engage. Ask them why they shared the opinion they did and attempt to start a dialogue. If there's a customer service issue, invite them to direct message you so that you can solve the problem! If they're just gushing about your services, you're better off retweeting them or liking their post than offering a limp "Thanks!"
Social media is all about community, so keeping close watch over what you say and how you say it-and remembering these five issues-can make you a social media master in no time.